This is an article detailing how often you should run a robot vacuum.
So, you’ve got yourself a new robot vacuum unit. Now, you might be wondering if you’re running it enough to keep your home spot and dust-free.
If you’re a daily vacuum person, you might be wondering if your unit’s motor can handle it or if you’re overusing your unit. I also like researching everything about a new appliance I intend to make a permanent part of my home.
I often get confused and ask “how often should I run a robot vacuum?” It’s normal to question yourself on how you’re running and operating a new home appliance, it is new after all. Besides, no one wants to break something new only after a couple of uses due to misuse or wear it down too fast.
If you’re wondering how often to run your robot vacuum, I’ve got you covered here!
How Often to Run Robot Vacuum
“How often should I run my Roomba vacuum cleaner?”
The frequency of operating a robot vacuum is all about personal preference. Some people are comfortable running it once a day, some even more than once a day, while others do it a few times a week.
If you’re not sure how often you should be running it to make the most of your unit, consider the factors below:
How big is your house is
One of the first things to factor in to determine the frequency in which you should run your robot vacuum is how big your house is. A smaller house like a condo unit wouldn’t need much cleaning and vacuuming as much as a three-story house.
Bigger house size is going to collect and accumulate more dust and dirt than a smaller house. Also, take into consideration the number of rooms there are in your home. The more room there is, the more dirt, dust, and debris your home collects.
The bigger your house is, the more frequently you should run your robot vacuum.
Types of floors in your house
The type of flooring you have in your home also plays a role in how frequently your robot vacuum runs and cleans.
Hardwood floors, tiles, and hard floors don’t necessarily need as much floor cleaning and vacuuming as carpeted floors. If you have some carpeted floors in your home, you might need to run your robot vacuum more frequently.
Carpets are made with fibers and strands. In between these fibers, it’s very easy for dust, dirt, and hair to get stuck. Carpet fibers can also harbor germs, bacteria, and other allergens that will be harmful for you and the rest of your family.
How many people you live with
The number of people you live with will play a very important factor in how much your robot vacuum runs and cleans in a day or in a week.
The more people there are living with you, the more dirt, dust, and debris your house collects. Because there are more people in the house, there is expected more foot traffic and activities going on inside the house, thus, things get messier and dirtier faster.
If you live alone or with only one other person, you won’t need your robot vacuum to run and clean as frequently. Because there are less people in the house, your home doesn’t accumulate that much dirt and debris.
Kids and/or pets
Generally, households with kids and/or pets get messier and dirtier faster while accumulating more dirt and dust than a household without any of the two.
If you’ve got young kids and small children running around the home, you’re not unfamiliar with mess. While a robot vacuum will definitely help in this department, you would have to make sure it runs as constantly as your kids can make a mess.
Pet owners know it’s normal for pets to shed. This accounts for a huge amount of pet hair dirt scattered all around the house. The more your pet sheds, the more frequently your robot vacuum should be operating and cleaning. And in the same way, the more pets you have, the more dirt there is all over your home, and essentially, the more often you should run and operate your robot vacuum.
If you have neither kids nor pets living with you at home, you’re less likely to accumulate that much dirt, dust, and debris. This also means you won’t have to have your robot vacuum running as much.
Amount of traffic and lifestyle
Do you stay at home to work or do you leave in the morning and come home late at night? When you’re at home, where do you usually spend your time and do most of your work or daily activities?
In determining how often you should be running your robot vacuum, make sure you ask yourself these questions.
Areas and rooms in your home that have higher traffic during the day are more likely to accumulate and collect more dirt and dust than areas and rooms with much lower traffic. These high-traffic areas require more frequent cleaning and vacuuming jobs than low-traffic areas.
Luckily and for your convenience, some of the best and smartest robot vacuums let you select areas you want it to clean more frequently than other rooms.
Someone who stays and works at home needs more frequent robot cleaning jobs than someone who leaves home for work and comes back at the end of the day.
Location and environment
If your house is located where there is a lot of dust, dirt, and more air pollutants floating around in the air, you want your robot vacuum to run and clean more frequently. When your house sits where it gathers dirt and dust easier, the more frequent your vacuum should be able to clean.
Health conditions
If you have people in your home with asthma, allergies, or other lung-related health concerns, for their health, you want to up your vacuum cleaning frequency. Always keep in mind each family member’s health.
Get the Most From Your Robotic Vacuum: Consider These Tips & Tricks!
Get to know your robot vacuum cleaner
To get the most from your robot vacuum, make sure you get to know it as well. From how it operates to how you can program it with the downloadable app, learn and get to know your new friend. This allows you to program and schedule it to clean that fits your needs and lifestyle most.
Avoid liquids
Electricity and water don’t mix! If you have your robot vacuum scheduled to clean and there are people in your home, make sure there isn’t any liquid along its cleaning path. This can seriously damage the unit’s motor and operation.
Move some furniture
While robot vacuums are capable of going under and out of furniture, you can also move the furniture aside to make sure the unit is able to clean under them. Under furniture, areas can accumulate a lot of dust and dirt. Moving them out of way every once in a while as your vacuum cleans will lessen the dust and dirt stuck under them.
Clean and maintain your cleaner
While your vacuum cleaner helps you keep the house clean and spotless, it’s important that you maintain and keep it clean as well. Keeping your vacuum cleaner and maintaining it with every use assures it keeps running smoothly without any issues.
Do so by emptying the dustbin with regular use. Also check on the spinning brushes and brush roll and remove hair and dust stuck on them to ensure smooth operation. Regularly check if the docking station, if yours have one, is working properly
How Often Should I Run Robot Vacuums: Can Robot Vacuums Run Everyday?
You most definitely can use your robot vacuum cleaner every day. In fact, an active household with many family members and/or pets, that also deal with pet hair, will benefit from a robot vacuum that operates and cleans every day.
Operating your robot vacuum daily will keep your home spotless for the most part without adding any more household chores into your list. It will also save you a huge amount of time on your regularly-scheduled deep cleans every week or every few weeks with your regular vacuum.
Though they’re fairly easy to use, program, and operate, for the most part, a lot of users still wonder what is considered the appropriate frequency use for robot vacuums.
Many worry about overusing or underusing their robot vacuum.
Generally, there is no right or wrong answer to the question of how often you should be running robot vacuums. You can use your robot vacuum however it fits your lifestyle. How often you run your robot vacuum depends on your needs and personal preferences.
But to help you determine how often exactly you need your robotic vacuum cleaning and vacuuming around your home, simply consider the questions below:
- How big is your house?
- What types of floors do you have in your house?
- How many people do you live with?
- Do you have kids and/or pets?
- What is your lifestyle and does your home have low or high traffic?
- Where is your house located?
- What are your and your family’s health conditions?
As you answer the questions above, you can get an idea on how often you should run your robot vacuum.